深入理解Hugo: Create Site

package main
import (
type configProvider struct {
    DefaultLanguage string

Language manages specific-language configuration.

type Language struct {
    Lang string

If set per language, this tells Hugo that all content files without any language indicator (e.g. my-page.en.md) is in this language. This is usually a path relative to the working dir, but it can be an absolute directory reference. It is what we get. For internal use.

    ContentDir string

Global config. For internal use.

    Cfg configProvider

Site contains all the information relevant for constructing a static site. The basic flow of information is as follows:

  1. A list of Files is parsed and then converted into Pages.

    1. Pages contain sections (based on the file they were generated from), aliases and slugs (included in a pages frontmatter) which are the various targets that will get generated. There will be canonical listing. The canonical path can be overruled based on a pattern.

    2. Taxonomies are created via configuration and will present some aspect of the final page and typically a perm url.

    3. All Pages are passed through a template based on their desired layout based on numerous different elements.

  2. The entire collection of files is written to disk.

type Site struct {
    language *Language

Output formats defined in site config per Page Kind, or some defaults if not set. Output formats defined in Page front matter will override these.

    outputFormats map[string]Formats

All the output formats and media types available for this site. These values will be merged from the Hugo defaults, the site config and, finally, the language settings.

    outputFormatsConfig Formats
    mediaTypesConfig    Types
func main() {
    cusCfg := configProvider{
        DefaultLanguage: "en",
    lang := &Language{
        Lang:       cusCfg.DefaultLanguage,
        ContentDir: "mycontent",
        Cfg:        cusCfg,
    mediaTypes := DecodeTypes()
    formats := DecodeFormats(mediaTypes)
    outputFormats := createSiteOutputFormats(formats)
    s := &Site{
        language: lang,
        outputFormats:       outputFormats,
        outputFormatsConfig: formats,
        mediaTypesConfig:    mediaTypes,
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", s)

Type (also known as MIME type and content type) is a two-part identifier for file formats and format contents transmitted on the Internet. For Hugo’s use case, we use the top-level type name / subtype name + suffix. One example would be application/svg+xml If suffix is not provided, the sub type will be used. See // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type

type Type struct {
    MainType  string `json:"mainType"`  // i.e. text
    SubType   string `json:"subType"`   // i.e. html
    Delimiter string `json:"delimiter"` // e.g. "."

Type returns a string representing the main- and sub-type of a media type, e.g. “text/css”. A suffix identifier will be appended after a “+” if set, e.g. “image/svg+xml”. Hugo will register a set of default media types. These can be overridden by the user in the configuration, by defining a media type with the same Type.

func (m Type) Type() string {

Examples are image/svg+xml text/css

    return m.MainType + "/" + m.SubType

Types is a slice of media types.

type Types []Type
const defaultDelimiter = "."
var HTMLType = newMediaType("text", "html")
func newMediaType(main, sub string) Type {
    t := Type{
        MainType:  main,
        SubType:   sub,
        Delimiter: defaultDelimiter}
    return t

DefaultTypes is the default media types supported by Hugo.

var DefaultTypes = Types{

DecodeTypes takes a list of media type configurations and merges those, in the order given, with the Hugo defaults as the last resort.

func DecodeTypes() Types {
    var m Types

remove duplications Maps type string to Type. Type string is the full application/svg+xml.

    mmm := make(map[string]Type)
    for _, dt := range DefaultTypes {
        mmm[dt.Type()] = dt
    for _, v := range mmm {
        m = append(m, v)
    return m

Format represents an output representation, usually to a file on disk.

type Format struct {

The Name is used as an identifier. Internal output formats (i.e. HTML and RSS) can be overridden by providing a new definition for those types.

    Name string `json:"name"`
    MediaType Type `json:"-"`

The base output file name used when not using “ugly URLs”, defaults to “index”.

    BaseName string `json:"baseName"`

Formats is a slice of Format.

type Formats []Format

GetByName gets a format by its identifier name.

func (formats Formats) GetByName(
    name string) (f Format, found bool) {
    for _, ff := range formats {
        if strings.EqualFold(name, ff.Name) {
            f = ff
            found = true

HTMLFormat An ordered list of built-in output formats.

var HTMLFormat = Format{
    Name:      "HTML",
    MediaType: HTMLType,
    BaseName:  "index",

DefaultFormats contains the default output formats supported by Hugo.

var DefaultFormats = Formats{

DecodeFormats takes a list of output format configurations and merges those, in the order given, with the Hugo defaults as the last resort.

func DecodeFormats(mediaTypes Types) Formats {

Format could be modified by mediaTypes configuration just make it simple for example

    f := make(Formats, len(DefaultFormats))
    copy(f, DefaultFormats)
    return f
func createSiteOutputFormats(
    allFormats Formats) map[string]Formats {
    defaultOutputFormats :=
    return defaultOutputFormats
const (
    KindPage = "page"
    kind404  = "404"
func createDefaultOutputFormats(
    allFormats Formats) map[string]Formats {
    htmlOut, _ := allFormats.GetByName(HTMLFormat.Name)
    m := map[string]Formats{
        KindPage: {htmlOut},
        kind404:  {htmlOut},
    return m


[{text html .}]

Site实例 拥有了语言相关的配置项 每个页面类型也明确了自己的输出格式

          Delimiter:"."}, BaseName:"index"}},
          Delimiter:"."}, BaseName:"index"}}},
        Delimiter:"."}, BaseName:"index"}},
    SubType:"html", Delimiter:"."}}}
Program exited.

Next example: OverlayFs.